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Yiwu 85 electric car charging stations finished

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Gary      Date: 2010-10-03

Yesterday, divided in 85 convenience stores in front of a full electric car charging stations coin collective induction, electric car owners will alleviate this problem.

    10 minutes charging one Yuan coin

    Can travel about 10 km

    Changchun, the full area in Yiwu convenience store chains, a high of about 60 cm height, 45 cm width, orange metal boxes hanging on the wall in front of the shop, plug one end of the power board in the next, dragging the other end of a three or four meters long wire, in three different models of plug, this humble iron box is the "electric vehicle charging station" equipment.

    The store manager Wu Peiling demonstrated to reporters charging process: first the corresponding electric car charger plugs into the car, such as voice prompts can be charged, the charging equipment in the hole on the panel put a dollar coin, the left panel display will show the charging time, automatic power off after 10 minutes.

    According to reports, although only charge a dollar coin for 10 minutes, but the power of ordinary electric vehicle for about 10 km. If the number of car owners not too much of this trip, you can put three one-time coin one dollar coins, filling the 30 minutes. For travel within the city limits of electric vehicle owners, this is sufficient distance traveled 30 kilometers to ride home.

    85 charging stations

    Communities located in Yiwu

    "Because of the battery ages, from time to time will hit short of power, foot pedal home ashamed of. We are, as long as in the urban areas to find 'full' shop, can charge the power." Jiangdong Street, who lives in five people in the community love Zheng Shenming tried charging equipment, the feeling is very easy to operate, "and mobile phone charger as simple coin."

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