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Yiwu GDP Growth Target is 10 percent in 2011

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Helan      Date: 2011-01-10

  In the eighth meeting of Yiwu government that held in last Friday, Yiwu Municipal Committee, Party Secretary Huang Zhiping proposed the main goal of Yiwu economic and social development in this year: Regional GDP growth of 10%; total fixed assets investment up 12%; local revenue growth of 10%; per capita income of urban and rural residents increased by 9% and 10%.
   According to this target, Yiwu government proposed six aspects’ main work.
   Five important industry items
   First, accelerating the launch of productin market-building, the target is in the “twelfth-five” period, strive to build an area of 2.6 square kilometers, an area of 200 square meters of building suppliers products trading and supporting space projects, the market beginning to take shape. Plans to start construction before June this year.
   The second is to ensure that five district of international trade and Huangyuan market put into use before the Fair. Actively make move about import and export goods hall, accelerate the construction of "African Products Exhibition Center. "
   Third, we must make the station construction and operation of logistics. Improve tranche inland port management services of the station, speed up second stage of inland ports, commodity export control center and other projects; towards the establishment of the railway station customs control points, and strive to air ports included in the national "twelveth-five" port development plan.
   Fourth, we must speed up financial, business and exhibition project construction schedule. Actively preparing for and conducting market forum for the introduction of the 94th China Knitwear Trade Fair and other fairs.
   Five, to speed up the operation of industrial projects. Actively carry out cooperation projects with the central enterprises docking, auto parts industrial base development and construction; speed up the seamless knitting, LED, construction equipment manufacturing industry base preparatory work for a number of industrial projects put into operation during the year.
   Many great foundation engineering.
   In transport aspect, beginning to build Yiwu highway 03 road project, open up integrity Avenue and so on 4 main lane road of International Trade City, speed up the trunk extension of Binwang road construction, to complete long-distance passenger transportation center of international trade city, will promptly begin City axis, Link, urban light rail and other preliminary studies; speed up the underground walkways, pedestrian bridges and other transportation ground node transformation.
   In culture and education and health aspect, promoting international cultural center, built in radio and television center, start building a modern movie theaters and other projects; speed up the fifth, six middle schools and 15 kindergartens; accelerate the construction of Yiw Hospitals’ construction, Central Hospital of Phase II , Hospital of relocation and other projects.
   Gathering urban and rural areas together.
   Vigorously promoting the "beautiful countryside"initiative to speed up the level of the 23 villages combined, functional reconstruction, and strive to implement rural housing reconstruction 10000, completed in 8000; to speed up the development of modern agriculture, to run the third farm leisure and tourism and so on.
     Ten practical livelihood
  Well done “shopping basket”, “rice bag” programs, to maintain price stability; to speed up construction of affordable housing and public rental housing, basic housing projects to complete the second phase of the main works; start to adjust the layout of the fourth round of schools to co-ordinate and solve new children’s educational problems; to carry out one of the first public hospital reform, improve the primary health service system, efforts to resolve the masses "medical treatment is difficult and expensive" and so on. Problems.

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