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The General Election of Yiwu Village-level Organizations is in Full Swing

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Helan      Date: 2010-12-20

  Yesterday morning, Yiwu held mobilization meeting of village-level organization, and through distance education network had live broadcast in nine sub-venues. Jinhua Municipal Committee, Yiwu Party secretary Huang Zhiping emphasizes village-level organizations general election is the most important center work of Yiwu, all the "Village" to be optional in place before the Spring Festival next year, and to select the human resources to a good team, elect entrepreneurial cadres and officers, elected by the good atmosphere of unity and harmony.

   Next year is the year of changing the term of office, provincial, Jinhua City, Yiwu City, town street and rural five-party and government organizations will change the term of office. It starts from the most basic village-level organization which involving the most extensive, largest, and its quality is directly related to the success and even longer the development of rural areas in the next three years. In order to provide experience to Yiwu village-level organization, on November 19th , Choujiang street as a poilt unit, firstly to start the general election in the area of 37 villages.

  After a month of intense forward, nowadays, all the villages of Choujiang area have finished the general election of party organizations and village elections. According to the statisics, participator rate is over 98%, Total members number that elected by village party organizations and village committee component are 252. Among them, the average age of the village "two committees, " is about 41.4 years old, 96 members have senior high school level or above, the structure is better than the previous general.

   In the process of changing the term of office pilot work, Choujiang streets found a number of good practices, such as depend on the different features of each village, they take 4 different elected ways, including directly elected by party secretary of the General Assembly are 15 villages, accounting for 40.5% of the total; in the selection of village representatives, village representatives explore full-time women's special election, the proportion of women is 34.4%.

   At the same time, they keep high-pressure policy to illegal election and bribery action in the election from beginning to the end. Up to now, have been investigated and dealt with 5 cases of vote buying, handling 16 people who involved in the case.

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