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A City Built on the Market

Source:     Author:       Date: 2008-08-29

Yiwu market is called the “world’s biggest wholesale market of commodities” by the United Nations, the World Bank and Morgan Stanley. It is the national AAAA Shopping and Tourist Scenic Area.
Undoubtedly, Yiwu is world-wide famous because it has the world’s biggest wholesale market of commodities.

Yiwu market has an area of 2.6 million square meters, deals in 43 lines of trades and over 400,000 kinds of goods.

Yiwu has 50 specialized markets and 58,000 booths in total.

If one stays at each booth for 3 minutes, and walks 8 hours a day, he would need one year to visit all booths.

Yiwu receives an average daily patronage of 200,000 customers. Every day, there are over 2,000 containers departing for 215 countries and regions.

Everything one can imagine can be bought here.

It amazes you while staying in the market.

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