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Methadone clinic opened in Yiwu

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Yama      Date: 2008-09-04

From the city's mental health centre was informed that the city community methadone maintenance therapy clinic after six months of meticulous preparation has been put into use. Jinhua City in the treatment of the first "methadone clinic", drug addicts just 10 yuan per person per day for the maintenance costs, is expected to shake off drug addiction.

City methadone clinic in the city next to the mental health center. The Centre's staff told reporters: "outpatient only estimates detection equipment and security systems, and so on has invested over 40 million, of which do not include staff salaries and usually free of drugs." Out-patient area of 445 square meters, consists of five Detection of some offices and departments. It is understood that clinic staff have all been in place. Recently, the health sector in accordance with the instructions of their superiors, Wenzhou detoxification center will send an expert to guide the work justice.

According to City Public Security Bureau that the city drug addicts in the local population less, only 30 people registered, and the field reached more than 1,000 drug addicts, drug task is very heavy. To this end, as early as six months ago, the city centre on specialized mental health staff participated in the community of drug methadone maintenance therapy training.

City mental health center staff, out-patient treatment to patients, only 10 yuan per person per day for maintenance therapy can be money, and out-patient clinics to provide the drugs free of charge. Methadone replacement therapy patients make treatment more moderate symptoms, no pain, prevention and control of AIDS infection is the most safe and effective measure. It avoids the possibility of drug addicts sharing utensils, thus blocking transmission of AIDS through blood. Drug addicts taking a certain dose of methadone, within 24 hours can no longer absorption of heroin. According to doctors will be the physical condition of drug addicts, gradually reduce the use of methadone dose, drug addicts shake off drug addiction so that the final. The out-patient can effectively curb the spread of AIDS in the city.

It is learnt that the first patients to visit the city methadone clinic, I need to provide identity cards and for AIDS testing, application, filled out application forms of treatment such as individual procedures.

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