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Yiwu as"Made in China"urban samples

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Helan      Date: 2008-09-09

Describe a place or a city's geographical location, always said from a wide range of small scope, such as the Western Hemisphere in North America in the Caribbean country of Jamaica. If a local reputation loud enough, no need to popularize knowledge of geography came from the Small said, such as China, such as the United States.
In Zhejiang, there is a county-level city, outside of its foreign propaganda and called on the city name in front of a direct link on the name, that is, "China Yiwu." Recently, the Yiwu municipal government on the rest of the world's mainstream media (including foreign-language media and local Chinese-language media) reports on the conduct of Yiwu to collect and collate the information and communication Yiwu overseas image of the effect of the assessment results are - very good Loud.
Yiwu widespread attention overseas media
Yiwu its prosperity and well-developed market famous for commerce, is the world's largest commodity distribution center, has been the United Nations, the World Bank and other international authoritative institutions identified as the world's largest market. Yiwu production and export of products of the MIC (Made in China) have Chinese and foreign businessmen with the pace throughout the five continents, and close logistics, and information flow between Yiwu also in the rest of the world has a certain reputation.
Yiwu in the overseas media exposure is very high, not even comparable to some of the domestic capital cities. This situation in East Asia and Southeast Asia is particularly evident. Such as in Singapore, "Lianhe Zaobao", Yiwu of the report amounted to 23.67 / year, "Ta Kung Pao" has reached 12.25 / year, the average monthly stories are 1-2. China's Taiwan, "United Daily News" and "Macao News Network", Yiwu reported rate of 5 / year from top to bottom (respectively 4.89 and 5). North Korea "Central Daily News", "Korean Daily News", the Japanese "Japanese Economic News," Every year, one more than the Yiwu reported. Even in the limited exchanges with China to India, the local mainstream newspaper "Daily consciousness" and "The Times of India" were also reported to be in Yiwu.
In other parts of the world, Yiwu reported relatively more overseas media focused on economic and trade relations with China relatively close countries and regions, such as in Europe, America, Australia and other regions, in the age range can be retrieved, "The New York Times "and the United Kingdom," Thames Times ", respectively, Yiwu has six and four of the relevant reports. A number of other important newspapers such as the United States the "Christian Science Monitor," the German "World Journal", Australia, "Australian" and so on, all have involved the Yiwu reports.
Yiwu in the overseas Chinese circles in
High visibility
Overseas Chinese-language media is not only communication between the Chinese and overseas Chinese platform, but also Chinese spread their voice to the world an important platform and network of interactive, multimedia, high-capacity, real-time features so that more overseas Chinese website as overseas Chinese deal with unexpected crises A major force. Relative local mainstream media, Yiwu in overseas Chinese-language media in Jianbao rate of more obvious, such as the United States of the mainstream Chinese media, "Sing Tao Daily" and "Chinese Press", in the past year, Yiwu's report on the volume reached 127 and 33 . Europe's major Chinese-language media, "the European Union Times", the past year, Yiwu is the coverage reached a staggering 230. Great intensity, high-density overseas Chinese media reported that the image of the propaganda Yiwu made a strong advance.
The large number of overseas Chinese media reported on the Yiwu products on the market and Yiwu, the businessmen in Yiwu, Yiwu city of Yiwu the development and the various overseas exchanges are also of concern.
Than the major economic reports
Yiwu as "Made in China" sample
Yiwu overseas media reports, the majority of Yiwu developed to the business activities of subject matter, the Yiwu market and product coverage of the international media reports on the vast majority of Yiwu.
The rest of the world's major media coverage of Yiwu, as economic reports for the largest category. On the other hand, Yiwu city image with the prevalence of Chinese manufacturers, also increased by more publicity opportunities. Yiwu to China as economic prosperity of the iceberg of China, foreign media is also one of the tactics used. Such as the May 4, 2005 South Korea, "Korean Daily News" to "made in China on behalf of the Town: Yiwu - the southern gateway to the world market," the title of the Yiwu a comprehensive and in-depth coverage. Similar reports are the U.S. "Christian Science Monitor" and "see the Great Wall of China, do not forget the vast Chinese market," the German "World Journal", "Now we open the world" and "The Times of India" and "Festival of Lights this year ranked by the manufacturer in Yiwu "And so on. Such reports are of concern from the rapid rise of Chinese manufacturing point of view, to the prosperity and development of Yiwu has made sure.

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