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Textiles remain dominant in Yiwu's self-run export

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Helan      Date: 2008-09-15

Self-run export business in Yiwu slowed down in July just like that in the first half year . The total export volume of self-run in Yiwu was 1,039 million dollars in the first 7 months with an increase of 11 .73% over the same period last year. Among these export countries the USA was still the largest with the Union of Arab Emirates,Russia ,Germany ,Spain , Ukraine and Brazil following . The export volume of textiles and garments still lead all other industries and it made up 54 .59% of the total export value in Yiwu .
The self-run export value of textiles and garments reached 567 million dollars in the first 7 months with an increase of
18.47% over the same period last year,and the growth rate was higher than that of Yiwu's total export in the first 7 months . The export of knitwear such as socks and seamless undergarments amounted to 28.26 million dollars in the first 7 months
with an increase of 28.92%. While the export of non-knit clothes such as shirts came to 17.27 million dollars with an increase of 4.11% over the same period last year .
Compared to non-knit clothes the added value of knitwear was higher . In recent years knitwear was gaining more and more market share while non-knit clothes shrank in sales .
It can be shown from the above situation that the export structure of textile products is changing constantly from non-knit products with low added value to knitwear with high added value . Meanwhile the export market of textiles is changing as well . In the past most of the textile products were mainly exported to the Middle East and Africa .
When the production cost rose and a raised price was unacceptable to the customers in these countries,some enterprises began to change the means of profit increase from getting profit by large quantity to gaining profit by good quality .
As the largest textiles production base in China that makes such products as as seamless undergarments,socks and zippers,Yiwu's textiles export has seized the largest export share recently .
In the meantime the high export rebate rate of textiles also has played an important role in attracting enterprises to do
textiles export . The raise of the export rebate rates of some textile products from August 1 would bring a further growth in the second half of the year .

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