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Interpretation of Yiwu Index:Yiwu market credit climbs in July

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Gary      Date: 2008-09-16

According to the inspection results of market credit index system,the credit of Yiwu market climbs constantly in July . The comprehensive index goes up to 106.35, which has risen 6.35% compared with the basic index in September, 2007, and also up by 0 .15% compared with June .
There are 4 significant features of Yiwu market credit in July. First,the achievement index has dropped a little . Since
this summer,for the international and domesticec onomic environments remain depressed, the increase of investment, export and consumption is limited, and the general economic situation is still tense and produces apparent effects on market achievements . The achievement index in July is 101.75, which dropped 0 .36% compared with a drop of 0.16% in June. Among
which,the dec rease rates of toys, food stuffs, rain gear, bags and cases ,stationery and publishing,and cosmetics are greater .
Second,the financial credit index rises . For the slight adjustment of the state credit policy,banks make innovation and introduce new financial service products one after another with new banks entering Yiwu to help Yiwu medium and small enterprises to conquer the difficulty of currency shortage. The financial environment changed slightly and the loan confidence o f Y i w u e n t e r p r i s e s strengthened . The average loan confidence of 8 trades among all 13 trades rise or remain in July,which covers 61 . 54% .These factors directly cause the financial credit index to go up to 103 . 10,a rise of 0 . 67% compared with June .
Third,the credit management index rises steadily . The credit management index in July i s 107 . 03 , a rise of 0 . 67% compared with June . The effort of the government of making a credit system causes the rise of the index . By t h e end o f July, the "Yiwu enterprise credit information platform" has collected 275,700 enterprise credit records from the government
departments of commerce and industry administration,quality inspection,state and local taxation, human resource and social
security,customer protection and environment protection . The successful exchange and share of credit information between
related departments is a key step in the construction of the way of credit management .
Fourth,the customer right protection index drops down below the base line . The customer right protection index in July drops down from 100 . 86 in June to 99 . 64, which go down below the base line again . The main reason for this phenomenon is the drop of customer right protection confidence in some industries and the rise of the rate of customer right protection behaviors . According to statistics, the customer right protection index of 7 trades, such as foodstuffs,cosmetics,daily necessities, sports gear,socks and knitting materials,toys and others, among all 13 trades dropped. It's more than half of all industries. Socks and knitting materials and daily necessities are the 2 categories that dropped the most .

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