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Yiwu toy industry grow up in difficulties

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Helan      Date: 2008-09-05

Start with this year's foreign trade situation, many people will immediately associate it with the United States, loan-to-crisis, the appreciation of the renminbi, rising raw material prices, increased labor costs, but Yiwu, vice chairman of the Association toys, toys Qilin, chairman of House Ltd. Otherwise some of its insights into this. "There are often difficulties in the new business opportunities." Lau said meaningfully into his.

     Key words click

     Creative toys

     Product design to be accurate to every detail

     Let the world of toys Yiwu Guamuxiangkan

     Yiwu toy industry is the economic development of pillar industries, reflects the characteristics of the market in Yiwu one of the industry. After 20 years of development, industry-wide total production, processing and trading enterprises around 3000, including production, processing more than 400 enterprises, the products are exported to Malaysia, Brazil, the United States, the Middle East, Japan and other countries.

     "Since the 'Maytag incident', the Chinese toy industry began a carpet cleaning, but also a number of countries on China's toys have a misconception that China is cheap toys poor quality." Floor of the Jin said, " Once a kind of concept, very difficult to change it, so now the toy industry can only continue to improve quality, renovation of species, not only do large quantity, but also raise the technological content of products to the world of toys Yiwu Guamuxiangkan. "

     It is understood that the toy industry in Yiwu, Zhejiang University and the Association has established cooperative relations, set up a toy creative hub. "Enterprises through the platform at Toys Council, engage in research and development, not only lightened the burden on enterprises, colleges and universities so that more targeted research." Floor of the Jin said that in the past to produce toys before the first hand-proofing, not only inefficient but also Also a waste of raw materials. Not long ago, commissioned by the Toy Industry Association, Zhejiang University on a plush toys software, the software can use three-dimensional computer graphics with toys at the fabrics and colors, the effect at a glance, but also increase production efficiency, cost savings.

     House into its own is the practice of science and technology, the company producing the dolls chips are independent research and development, primary products such as limbs, clothing, commissioned by the other processing plants in production, to some extent reduce the management costs of inputs and equipment, but also let him have a more Qugao number of energy market research, develop new products and the study child psychology. "In future, we also intend to Zhejiang Normal University and co-operation with the Children's Psychological research in the grasp of children on the basis of preferences, product design accurate to every detail."

     Key words click

     Win-win cooperation

     The domestic market to international markets and both

     Promoting domestic inter-regional strengths complement each other

     The past, many enterprises in Yiwu toys only to the development of foreign trade, it ignores the large domestic market. But now some of Yiwu toy companies have slowly "awakening" in their domestic and other areas of cooperation between enterprises sniff out a new business opportunities.

     "At present, Yiwu toy trade is well-developed, more orders, and their products and brands, but the lack of scale production, and around Dongguan of Guangdong's toy production capacity of large enterprises strong, but they lack orders, and their joint enterprises in Yiwu, Trade is a wonderful change of employment opportunities. "House, the Progressive view that the Yiwu toy companies can use their own information, logistics and research and development of new products advantages in foreign trade situation is not optimistic about the situation, take the initiative to provide orders, and the Guangdong , And other areas of production enterprises to effectively docking, toys from the other side processing, were carried out in its own core technologies and the development of new products, but can also learn from each other's toys advanced production technology, and create a win-win situation. House revealed to reporters into his, some enterprises have conducted a similar regional complementary production, which has achieved good results.

     In addition to promoting domestic inter-regional complementary advantages, Yiwu toy association with the world's top e-commerce platform Alibaba-sector integrity of the world's largest third-party testing and certification body SGS Testing Shanghai-standard company established a strategic cooperative partnership, through these two Yiwu toy institutions open up the external marketing network.

     Yiwu toy companies face the development trend into the floor, their confidence, "now Yiwu total annual toy sales are still steady increase in the penetration capacity at home and abroad have gradually strengthened, before the main exports of toys Yiwu third world countries, Europe and the United States is now the market has gradually been opened. "House, the Progressive think," part of Yiwu toys advantage of enabling enterprises to large-scale arrival of the time, there are new products, new technology, have large-scale, big market, the Yiwu toy Road will be broader and broader. "

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