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Yiwu primary development"electronic materials"present the next class

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Gary      Date: 2010-06-12

The morning of June 3, Yiwu City, school-based curriculum "electronic textbook" The Development and Application Symposium Xu Jiang primary held a large classroom, Xu Jiang primary school teachers and students completed a "show the next classroom scene" of course.

    This class is the leading "e-textbook", the content is in primary school-based curriculum Xu Jiang, "paper-cut" and "Kite." Class each student will have one laptop, a teacher standing in a 50-inch LCD TV equivalent of the electronic touch screen so much before, while the side with a finger touch screen lectures, the students in front of a computer, a corresponding emergence of video, Images and text ... ... the end of class, students created paper-cut works site has been uploaded to the "electronic books" in one click, these works were displayed in front of everyone.

    "The new feeling, a dream too." Classroom lectures in Yiwu City, more than 60 primary school headmaster, Jiao Keshi director of such laments.

    Late last year, Xu Jiang primary schools in the weekly hours of school-based curriculum "into the long history of technology" used by the school teacher has developed "electronic books", instead of the traditional textbook. Primary and secondary school curricula in the actual use of electronic teaching materials are still rare in the city and even the province, Xu Jiang primary attempt by newspaper reports (see December 23, 2009, "Jinhua Daily"), and reaction in the community what this new teaching model, what change will bring, how to discuss such issues as how far to go.

    And last year saw an interview with "electronic textbook" than on the day of the new version has completed a comprehensive upgrade. "We made a more in-depth e-learning materials on the thought, in another City Department of Education Jishu and business expert guidance, Jueding re-design of electronic materials and production." Xu Jiang Meng Gu Su Kim's primary Xiao Zhang, from the Ben semester, division of labor between teachers and spent three months making a "history into the process" in two parts: "Paper-cut" and "Kite." Involved in the production of the Zhu Lifeng teacher said: The original "electronic textbook" is actually more like a flip animation, just simple text conversion, and now the new version of the powerful, rich, not only text and pictures, as well as video, animation, large capacity. "On the one hand, the teacher in class do not have to use other courseware, simply click on e-textbooks can be; the other hand, it is highly interactive, students can choose to learn the content."

    The "electronic materials", there are some voices of doubt, the main point is that it would "bound student development of thinking is not conducive to the imagination of the students to play." However, the same day to the students to "paper-cut" Wu class teachers do not think so, she said: "We make the time to consider how to make students more interested in easier to understand. In class during the enthusiasm of the students been fully mobilized. Also, it the PPT courseware, books, work the integration of the students in the classroom can begin to do its thinking and inspiration inspire students to be effective. "

    In addition to "dream", the day the teacher taught in the classroom back to the presence of a feeling, is "very far away from their own." In this regard, the Secretary for Education Yiwu Jin Yan-Feng Xu Jiang primary schools in the "electronic teaching materials," Development and application of highly aside, pointed out that with the continuous development of teaching materials will be going electronic. "Electronic textbook" is a direction that is unlikely now, after a few years will become a reality, "This is the trend of education in the future."

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