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Yiwu market,after the era of profit opportunities

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Helan      Date: 2009-02-15

Time entered in February of 2009, despite the warm spring sunshine has been shining in people's faces, but in a crisis of Yiwu enterprises and markets, but also from time to time seem to feel the slightest chill. Large-scale Yiwu International Trade City is still busy, tens of thousands of tenants did not because a number of smaller orders and stalled, from all over the world because there is no foreign influence of the economic crisis slowed down the pace of procurement. In contrast, people in a busy start to think at the same time, this crisis the way forward in the end how to go from here?

Thoughts on this issue the same was also committed to a market economy for many years research experts and scholars, Zhejiang Normal University Business School, Vice President and Business Research Institute Wucheng Zhao Xing, deputy director of the Executive is one of them.

This year's macroeconomic situation is not optimistic

Journalist: What do you think in 2009 the trend of macro-economic view?

Zhao Xing: Generally speaking the current macroeconomic situation is not optimistic, because the international financial crisis has just begun, although some individual countries have introduced policies to rescue the market, but it can not change the economy to recession and economic pattern of the general trend of transition, the transition and change the course of the general need at least 2 ~ 3 years time. Therefore, from the short term, the economic situation is not conducive to the development of enterprises. At present, however, Governments have recognized the economic crisis and transition, the general trend and fundamental direction, the transition will not take too long, the economic situation is estimated to be 3 ~ 5 year change, in particular the Government's macroeconomic situation in our country has a strong macro - regulation and control capability, coupled with the current policies promulgated the timeliness and relevance, I believe that within the next two years there will be upward trend contrarian.

In operating profit to survive

Journalist: Do you think Yiwu market is currently facing major pressures are what?

Zhao Xing: In the present situation, Yiwu market pressure faced by mainly embodied in two aspects: one aspect of international financial crises are caused by changes in the international trade environment for China's foreign trade-based economy, the direct impact. Due to the impact of financial crisis, international economic and trade environment faced by re-shuffling, enterprises and consumers the ability and level of purchase are affected. Therefore, the Yiwu market and export enterprises will be subject to restrictions on trade, business unit product level of profits will be reduced accordingly; On the other hand, the financial crisis at the same time the external factors affecting the level of domestic consumption and domestic trade in the competitive environment, Yiwu market, the domestic trade Although a substantial share, but the downturn will inevitably affect the foreign trade to domestic trade competition. Therefore, the domestic trade market, Yiwu market has a competitive advantage may gradually weaken, the domestic trade after the low-profit industry into the era. Such pressure, on the look Yiwu enterprises can hold the pain of this stage, in the low-profit, small profit margins or even losses, to survive the operation.

Ease the pressure on the key lies in innovation

Journalist: To alleviate these pressures, Yiwu enterprises and businesses need to be made what kind of response measures?

Zhao Xing: low-profit era of the most fundamental rules of competition is innovation. Therefore, the basic measures to deal with only one, that is "change" and "change" is the core competitiveness of enterprises based on innovation. Innovation has many dimensions, including product, technology, marketing, management levels of innovation and so on. I believe there is now undergoing an economic transformation of enterprises, the transition strategy are the key to innovation, rather than in some of the details of the "tinkering." In the current era of globalization, knowledge-based economy, businesses can come to the fore the key enterprises are able to deny their own mode of existing wealth, taking in line with the trend of modern economic development of the new model, the negative is called "destructive innovation" . Enterprises in the age of the urgent need for bold innovations in management, technology and follow a different path, future-oriented development as a common sense, rather than ultra-conventional thinking. Therefore, in order to ease the current pressure, enterprises need to rethink their development strategies and models, on the international economic situation, global value chains and enterprises to rethink profit model, combined with enterprise resources and capacity to choose their own path of development. The Yiwu market and enterprises, the key lies in product innovation and marketing innovation model.

Yiwu market, "machine" than the "crises"

Journalist: With regard to the economic characteristics of Yiwu, in crisis, what kind of opportunity? Yiwu enterprises on how to take advantage of these opportunities?

Zhao Xing: Yiwu's economy is characterized by small, scattered widely, many, small, in the current financial crisis situation, it should be said that the "machine" than the "crises", because Yiwu market coverage is the most public, the most stable consumer the basic market. Although affected by financial crisis, domestic consumer market will be affected the size of the overall consumption, but this flexibility does not affect the strong, on the contrary, the domestic market and the enterprise's competitive edge in this environment it will become more pronounced. Therefore, Yiwu enterprises, the key lies in whether we can seize this opportunity to continue to play a good value for money, Yiwu market, channel a wide range of advantages, improve product quality at the same time, further reducing product logistics, marketing costs, so that Yiwu market better advantage.

Supporting the confidence of the most important essential

Journalist: The Yiwu market and enterprises, at the moment what is most important?

Zhao Xing: now for the Yiwu market and enterprises, confidence in Yiwu are the key to sustained economic growth, confidence has been, will have the impetus to development and innovation will take the initiative and boldly to win the Government and other relevant sector support. However, behind this confidence is that an enterprise proactively innovative development to real action being passive to being active.

Journalist: To continue to maintain the continued prosperity of Yiwu market, government departments, financial institutions, research institutes, etc. should be given to what kind of support?

Zhao Xing: To continue to maintain the steady development of enterprise Yiwu, Yiwu market's continued economic prosperity, government departments, financial institutions, scientific research institutes should closely focus on "the development of the market, Yiwu are primary productive forces" the basic spirit of prosperity and stability of the market operating in an orderly manner as a top priority. Yiwu the root causes of the economic development of enterprises and the market is positive interaction the Government to promote economic development lies in the development of a market grasps. Therefore, government departments, financial institutions and scientific research institutions should unswervingly promote the boom for the construction of the enterprise market and the market provides a wide range of enterprise development support, such support, including funds, personnel and policy support.

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