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Good start for Yiwu commodities'exports

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Gary      Date: 2009-02-17

According to statistics , Jinhua customs received 18902 declarations of export and supervised 34218 export standard containers in January ,up by 11.4% and 5.6% respectively over the same period of last year , with the number of daily average export containers reaching 1901 .
Jinhua customs actively promoted some specific policies like Tourist Shopping and Simplifying Classification customized for Yiwu commodities’ exports.And to improve the efficiency of clearance , the Customs strengthened the front force , carrying out a comprehensive system of “5 + 1”,receiving clearance reservation 24 hours a day.They further eased the contradiction between growing numbers of clearance and limited work force , effectively reducing the clearance comprehensive cost of the transit goods .
The Customs adopted a series of measures to improve the logistics level .First ,Innovatively optimizing “container information service system”.
It realized the aim to make the containers having goods to and from the port.In this way it saves cost .Second .Promoting the principle of proximity .Enterprises can apply for declaration and make goods checked near their companies, further decreasing the cost .Third .Independently developing “Declaration and Logistics Control System”.This greatly simplified the procedure of declaration from agencies,shortening the time of container examination and discharge by one or more hours .

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