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Yiwu standard service platform to help enterprises to expand their foreign trade

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Yama      Date: 2009-02-22

In the deepening financial crisis in context, the rise of global trade to protect the existence of tendencies, and a new round of trade protectionism is spreading from developed to developing countries, China's exports encountered an increasing number of trade barriers, which must be caused by Yiwu enough attention to foreign trade enterprises.
Guard against trade protectionism
In December last year, three times the United States against Chinese products, "attack", but in difficult circumstances "Made in China" encountered bad news not only in developed countries, trade protectionism has spread to developing countries. India and Brazil restrictions, Yiwu export of some products may result in no small impact. January 23, India announced a ban on toys imported from China for six months. Exports of the Indian market a higher concentration of Chenghai toy companies have been affected. Yiwu exported to India in recent years of toy products has increased year by year, the market also has a lot of toy buyers in India, the Indian toy market of Yiwu is a relatively important market. "India under the ban on Chinese toys, toys for export will certainly Yiwu impact." Yiwu Toy Industry Association, vice president of House express its Progressive.
Have expert analysis, India is also likely to make toys for the test samples. Trade protectionism arising from the fundamental reason is that because the financial crisis broke out.
Not only that, the EU will be the spring of 2009 the implementation of the "new toy safety directive", including the prohibition of the use in toys of all allergic substances, as well as any carcinogenic, mutagenic or fertility of the material against humanity. The industry that the new technical barriers coupled with the financial tsunami triggered by more barriers to trade policy, it is bound to aggravate the situation Yiwu related merchandise exports even more severe.
Enterprises to deal with technical barriers to trade
Can not be separated from the standard service platform
Trade protectionism in the circumstances, technical barriers to trade has gradually become the main means of trade protectionism. According to statistics, in recent years, China's export enterprises have六成standard problem encountered due to foreign technical barriers. The current restrictions on China's exports of developed countries, the main means of the standard. Standard problem has become the world's trade protection in a trump card, Chinese enterprises can no longer turn a deaf ear.
A few days ago, the standard information of foreign goods is also growing attention Yiwu foreign trade enterprises. In Yiwu, the Government has in recent years has been promoting the standardization of construction information. A few days ago, YIWU operator households as long as the landing Yiwu China Commodity City standards information service platform ( or in the international business city of an electronic touch screen, LED screen will be able to understand the recent international trade barriers early warning information, as well as how to deal with these barriers, such as countermeasures.
Yiwu Quality Supervision Bureau, according to market-related person in charge, because the countries of the same merchandise set different standards, often there will be a variety of trade friction. Opening of the standard information service platform, the owner can provide a more comprehensive grasp of the commodity-importing countries and the specific criteria, and timely improvements in production technology, improve product quality, to reduce operational risks, to circumvent the purpose of trade barriers.
Yiwu China Commodity City standards information service platform collection of 500,000 all over the world the standard information, including national security directives, technical regulations. The platform also Yiwu market export concentration of jewelry, toys, glasses, electrical appliances, power tools, cosmetics, food and merchandise packaging containers, such as the top ten thematic customization services, technical standards and regulations, market access, communications and export blocked merchandise, such as customized information for the topic. The platform for users to register, you can download the full text of domestic standards and foreign standards of the text obtained from the standard literature inquiries.
Yiwu China Commodity Market standard integrated information service platform, are standardized by the Institute of Zhejiang Province, Yiwu City of Quality and Technical Supervision and the Mall Group completed construction.

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