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Yiwu People's Congress Standing Committee Work Report

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Gary      Date: 2009-03-06


I am thirteen City People's Congress session of the Standing Committee of the commission, report to the General Assembly, please be considered.

In 2008, the City at Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee, under the leadership of the party's 17 largest guided by the spirit, in-depth study and implement the scientific concept of development, around the central task, Bao-growth, weight of people's livelihood and promote stable, well completed City thirteen session Second Session of the National People's Congress to determine the mission. Over the past year, a total of 6 in accordance with the law held a Standing Committee meeting to listen to the consideration of "one government, the court," the report on the work of 21, 7 to decide the resolution to organize the inspection, law enforcement inspection, supervision, etc. 15 times according to the appointment and removal of National 41 million office workers to effectively carry out the constitutional functions of law, in order to promote international trade and business city in our city-building, promotion of scientific development, harmonious development made a positive contribution.

First, to promote coordinated economic and social development responsibility, and earnestly strengthen the work of supervision

Conscientiously implement the supervision of law, correctly grasp the supervision and support, the relationship between norms and innovation, insist on the central task, people-oriented, concerned about people's livelihood, to further enhance the effectiveness of supervision.

(1) around the center, conscientiously fulfill the major issues discussed and decided upon the statutory duties. Over the past year, listened to the municipal government budget implementation of the report, have been examined and approved the 2007 financial accounts and in 2008 the financial funds available to increase spending plans. The Standing Committee is very concerned about the city's economic and social development a major issue, the thirteenth meeting, to make "about Yiwu Municipal People's Government in key areas to maintain state-owned holding the right decision", emphasizing the Government's market, station and other related logistics state-owned enterprises, holding the importance, necessity. In order to meet the city-building needs of international commerce and trade city, subject to listen to the city government "about the overall planning Yiwu domain program" and to make resolutions, proposed to further revise and improve the overall plan for the city of the domain and do a good job with the relevant planning co-ordination and convergence, and play well planning role.

(B) serve the overall situation, to strengthen a bearing on the healthy development of important economic and social problem of supervision.

Budget examination and supervision of people's congresses are a focus of supervisory work over the past year focused on deepening and expand on efforts. First, to explore ways to strengthen budgetary oversight of an effective form of review. City, thirteen on the Second Session of the National People's Congress session, the first time the annual municipal budget and financial Comprehensive Water Authority, crowded city streets in the two departments to include a review of the contents of the draft budget, the expansion of the National People's Congress to review the scope of the Budget. The second is the implementation of full supervision, and enhance the effectiveness of the budget review. The beginning of a serious organization specially invited members of the Financial Work Committee, part-time members of the budget situation in the first instance, the promotion of the Budget to further improve the draft; know years focused on investigating the performance of the budget, financial audit at the same level, to urge the city government and relevant departments to improve subject to review ways to improve the financial performance of the use of funds. Waste Management Policy and Waste Management of grant funds to implement the operational management of state assets, government investment, such as project management to focus on the situation, the topic to hear about the city government to consider the views of the trial at the same level of financial reports on the implementation of research. Three are open to increase efforts to the public financial audit report on the work at the same level. In addition, the city government also heard on the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" the implementation of the medium-term assessment report, in 2008 the first half of the national economy and social development plan report on the implementation.

Attaches great importance to the market a smooth transition and continued prosperity and development problem, organizations representative of the 3 International Trade City market, the new food markets, furniture market in the construction engineering and financial planning business district block and so on-site inspections, we need to push forward the market planning, functional , transactions, service means innovation, speed up to International Trade City as the core, and other professional markets supported the market system, to enhance the market's soft power. Thematic heard about the modern service industry development of the municipal government of the report, pointing out that development of the service industry in management, industry-level and spatial distribution gaps, stressed the need to further exert market advantages, strengthening policy guidance, and optimize the service industry development environment. Consideration of the Standing Committee also adopted the form of supervision, attention to product quality, protection of intellectual property rights work, and promote打假治劣, scientific and technological innovation, brand-building activities in depth, and safeguard the good reputation of the market.

In May, the Standing Committee heard the topic of the city's industrial economic operation in the report, stressed the need to further changes in industrial growth, optimize the economic development environment, and enhance the confidence of enterprise development. Active role in coordinating the financial, Banking, finance, construction, land and other departments, in-depth visits to enterprises, for the effective mitigation of corporate finance difficult to curb the spread of illegal financing to accelerate enterprise "two certificates" for the progress and efforts. Through more than 70 companies visited the city's research, the formation of the "support and guide and optimize the environment and promoting sustained and healthy development of enterprises in our city," "about the city business bank loans hidden costs of research reports" and other research materials, and through a variety of and inspiring way for enterprise development, and actively seek to solve problems of enterprise development strategies.

(C) focus, and strengthen a bearing on the healthy development of economic and social problems of supervision.

Standing Committee on many occasions to contact St. Leaders know the work of production safety situation, inspection of production safety management work, and urge enterprises to carry out the safety production measures, the establishment and consolidation of long-term mechanism for production safety. To promote work safety in production, organization representatives visited some villages, communities, enterprises, production safety situation, to enhance the safety of the vast numbers of employees in the production of the legal system, law enforcement officers enhance the guidance of service capabilities, and consolidate the results of production safety training has played a positive role in promoting.

Agriculture and rural development related to the overall situation of reform and opening up and modernization. To promote agricultural economic growth, improve the ecological environment, the Standing Committee representatives to inspect the construction of ecological agriculture, organizational personnel know the scale of land transfer and operating conditions, in view of the extent of the land management scale is not high, households relatively slow income growth and other issues to make recommendations to promote the upgrading of the industrial structure of agriculture.

Urban transport and tourism development in recent years of great concern to people. The Standing Committee has representatives on the City "cut cargo limit line", the traffic situation in the construction of key projects to inspect and urge the City improve traffic organization and management level, to promote the construction of transport infrastructure. After listening to the tourism and forestry job report, the Standing Committee called for further improving the tourism planning, enrich the connotation of the tourism industry and accelerating the development and construction of tourism projects, bigger and stronger to the tourism, convention tourism, promote the development of rural tourism, etc. Nongjiale.

In addition, the director of The Conference also has heard a commercial retail development, and housing accumulation fund management, intangible cultural heritage protection, remediation, such as job mobility stalls report and put forward specific proposals.

(Iv) serving the community, to strengthen the vital interests of the masses is related to the supervision of people's livelihood.

To better understand the Government for the progress of things, the Standing Committee of the thematic report on the city government to listen to and organize the inspection, pointing out that for practical gaps, requirements in accordance with established goals, go all out to complete practical tasks, prompted the Government to increase the practical processing efforts for the timely completion of practical tasks, which effectively promoted the development of social undertakings in our city, the masses of the people from the benefit.

Environmental protection ecological civilization construction are an important element. Thematic consideration of the Standing Committee listened to the municipal government regarding the protection of water resources development and utilization of the report, comprehensive utilization of water resources to improve efficiency and further improve the ecological environment of water's recommendations and focus on long weir dam case of contaminated track inspection. Long weir reservoirs are the city's fifth-largest reservoir, the water quality due to upstream farms and worsening pollution. At full investigation on the basis of the Standing Committee to organize personnel to conduct the site inspection in accordance with the law to the municipal government put forward a deadline for shutting down pig farms in the reservoir upstream Ho thoroughly pollution remediation long weir reservoir views. Director of the Conference attached great importance to follow the progress of remediation, two related reports on the situation to listen to and organize on-site inspections, called for correctly grasping the protection of the environment and the relationship between economic development, to ensure that the reservoir downstream of the water security of thousands of the people. Attention at the city government, how in pig farms closed down before the end of implementation schedule, and will invest huge sums of money to start clean reservoir engineering, reservoir and its surrounding environment is expected to gradually be improved.

Education is the foundation for development, people's livelihood. Over the past year, has sent on behalf of School of Business School of Yiwu, the crowded city of a small progress in the relocation project, children from foreign builders carried out the inspection, supervision and development of educational undertakings to resolve the outstanding issues, and strive to narrow the urban-rural School in infrastructure , teachers gaps, and enhance the city's foreign builders the ability to accept their children to school, to improve the education environment, and promote the balanced development of urban and rural education.

Food safety, health and social security issues and the daily lives of ordinary people. The Standing Committee has continuously intensified its supervision over food safety has prompted the Government and the competent authorities to further improve the food safety regulatory mechanism, increase food safety priority areas, focusing on the law enforcement aspect. To promote the pace of the city's social security, the Standing Committee conscientiously supervision "perfect the comprehensive coverage of urban and rural residents of the social security system, improve the social security level" of the motion, the motion to promote the implementation of better handling. Standing Committee attaches great importance to the development of medical and health undertakings, subject to listen to the government work report, stressed the need to further rationalize the medical and health work mechanism, and enhance medical services and hygiene enforcement capability to speed up the focus on the pace of medical and health projects. At the municipal government and the concerted efforts of all sectors of the community, the city's grass-roots hygiene law enforcement agencies to further perfect hygiene to further enhance the strength of law enforcement surveillance; downtown hospital institutional problems are satisfactorily resolved, in order to further enhance the level of medical services throughout the city, meet the people's growing medical and health needs of the foundation.

Second, closely manage the city of this subject, and strive to improve the level of legal supervision

Standing Committee to oversee the implementation of laws and regulations in an important position, and strive to safeguard national unity and dignity of the legal system, and promote administration according to law, and promote the city according to law.

(A) to listen to the consideration of special reports as the main form of laws and regulations to promote the correct implementation. January 1, 2008 after the implementation of Labor Contract Law, the Standing Committee organized-depth business research, the topic considered by the city government to hear about the implementation of Labor Contract Law of the report which called for correctly handle the relationship between law enforcement and development, in accordance with the law of both parties legitimate rights and interests. To ensure that the first half of last year carried out by the village committee eighth general election in accordance with the law, to send their officers take part in elections Steering Group, in accordance with the law in guiding elections and the fight against illegal and so a lot of work to do. In addition, it has heard the statistics law, intellectual property protection law, the Product Quality Law and other laws and regulations in a report on the implementation, organizations of the promulgation and implementation of the new law implementation inspection, law enforcement efforts to create a good atmosphere.

(B) so as to safeguard social fairness and justice as a major objective, the promotion of strict law enforcement and fair administration of justice. To promote standardization of both houses of the implementation of the judicial building, separately heard and considered the City People's Court, City People's Procuratorate, the report of the first half of the work; representative of the Organization's phase to implement the economic situation of the criminal policy to be inspected. The meeting also heard the director of public security work of the thematic report, representatives visited the Public Security "beating, prevention and control" system operation, fully affirmed the public security organs at the Olympic Games security, maintaining social stability in the work done, stressed the need to innovate to improve the public security law enforcement management system, pay close attention to job not to relax, continue to crack down on various criminal acts. Great importance to carry out judicial supervision at the same time, the Standing Committee are very concerned about law enforcement infrastructure, has to safeguarding the interests of national defense, the grass-roots work of the court building inspections have been carried out.

(C) to strengthen the follow-up inspection for the important means to implement the legal supervision. To enhance the rigidity of people's congress supervision, focusing on the past year under the consideration of the views of various types of hair, to inspect the views of the minutes of such meetings to ask the Government and departments concerned or the rectification of matters to implement the "look back." Necessary follow-up inspection on the matters detailed combing, in the department to provide a written report on the basis of selection is closely related with economic and social development, people concerned about the high degree of focus on supervision issues. Through supervision, and promote sound management of extrabudgetary funds the government system and the promotion of human traffic enforcement, a reasonable cut-set limit line cargo sections and traffic lights mount, with the city's Exit Inspection and Quarantine, Forestry and other departments set up to prevent job-related crimes in collaboration mechanism, the court conducting the "honesty and self-discipline and fair administration of justice" and education activities, such as subject area.

(Iv) to strengthen the work of the National People's Petition as a breakthrough point, focus on safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of citizens. Do a good job with letters and put the full implementation of the National People's Congress oversight functions, to maintain social stability combine to further improve the working mechanism of letters, full liberating cadres to carry out activities, focus on law-related涉诉deal with letters and pieces of research to strengthen the focus letters and pieces of the coordination of job supervision, and enhance the effectiveness of the petition process. Over the past year, received 385 letters from the masses of the people, to receive visitors 137 batches and 276 passengers, to promote the petition reflects the problem of proper treatment in accordance with the law, to safeguard people's legitimate rights and interests, and promote the building of a harmonious society to play its rightful role.

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