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Yiwu machinery and equipment industry has developed rapidly

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Gary      Date: 2009-02-12

February 10 morning, the Mayor of Yiwu City He Meihua, led by Ho Economic Development Bureau, Finance Bureau, Construction Bureau, Land Bureau, Science and Technology Bureau, the People's Bank, Banking Office and other departments, special investigations and studies the development of machinery and equipment industry. He the United States and China in the research, stressed the need to strengthen planning and policy-oriented, and actively take effective measures to vigorously support the development of machinery and equipment industry, the acceleration of industrial transformation and upgrading, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.
Machinery and equipment industry in the industrial field has been called the "Mother of industry" and reputation. At present, the city's industrial economy has been the formation of socks, ornaments, zippers, underwear and a number of other sectors with a competitive edge and to give impetus to the development of machinery and equipment industry. It is understood that the city's machinery and equipment industry mold manufacturing, mechanical equipment, Product management, development and fabrication of machinery and equipment has created a foundation, some jewelry, zippers and other enterprises from the production of jewelry, zippers and other end products gradually related machinery and equipment production. Engaged in such as shirts, underwear and other clothing production Yiwu Shuangqian Knitted Underwear Co., Ltd. Since 2006, through independent innovation, has successfully developed the underwear production equipment, set up a St. yeni Machinery Co., Ltd. Zhejiang. Power Equipment Co., Ltd. Yiwu, give full play to the talent advantage, the development of a straw gas, methane, coal-bed methane as fuel, such as power generation equipment, exports of more than 100 countries and regions. Zhejiang Science and Technology Co., Ltd. hyperdynamic closely relying on scientific and technological innovation, led by power equipment products, and actively help IDF components upstream and downstream products, extend the industrial chain, grow in size and strength equipment industry dynamics.
He and his party the same day Yiwu City He Meihua went to St. yeni Machinery Co., Ltd., Zhejiang, Yiwu City Power Equipment Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Science and Technology Company, Ltd. and other high-powered corporate research, and convene Machinery Federation, and some machinery and equipment production enterprises with the relevant departments responsible person carried out in the discussion. Through the research found that the city's machinery and equipment industry although showing a rising trend of development, but there are also constraints. Related businesses and operators have expressed hope that government departments in land, capital, talent, technology, and policies to support.
He Yiwu City He Meihua at the forum pointed out that the machinery and equipment industry, the level of development of the place reflects a level of industrial development. Yiwu small commodity production as a manufacturing center, the development of machinery and equipment industry for the transformation and upgrading of the industrial economy, improve market competitiveness, and enhance capacity for sustainable development are of great significance. In this regard, towns Street, and the departments concerned should done sector by sector, by businesses, a project by project to carry out research, which found that some common problems and formulate realistic development planning and policy measures, and then solve the problem, support enterprise development, support industry expansion to promote transformation and upgrading of the industrial economy. Have potential for development of machinery and equipment business, industry leading enterprises to increase support for efforts to cultivate earnestly carry out the introduction of new projects and ground work, priority allocation of land to the leading role, and the development of great potential, the real development needs of enterprises. Services to strengthen all-out effort to help businesses ride out the storm, transformation and upgrading. He expressed the hope that the United States and China at the same time entrepreneurs, we should firmly grasp the technology, personnel, brands, marketing and other key factors, based on scientific and technological innovation, increase the self-innovation, and actively implement the transformation and upgrading, and constantly make excellent enterprises bigger and stronger.
Wu Sen, vice mayor of the people take part in research and put forward specific requests.

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