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Yiwu take brand merchandise line

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Gary      Date: 2008-08-23

It is understood that the Yiwu Small Commodity Market operators households never so profound as they are now aware of the importance of brands. Yiwu market is constantly taking brand merchandise line, is the accumulation of a brand's strength, Yiwu is the brand new development vitality.

      "At present, many foreign investors to purchase Yiwu, we not only see the price of goods, but also attaches great importance to the quality of goods. Reflect the quality of what is the first? is the brand, your brand, and foreign investors on a recognized you. "International Trade City in G The third floor area, a certain brand of battery Zhejiang distributor floor, using plain language interpretation of their industry a consensus: Yiwu Small Commodity Market, Brand is business.

      "With the devaluation of the dollar, with the original as a major trading partner in the Middle East businessmen and business more difficult, by contrast, the European export market continued optimistic about the prospects for Europe's export orders also requires the quality and quality of goods, Therefore the requirements of the brand very high, so we are prepared to do their own brands, instead the main European markets. "Operation of her jewelry said.

       And, like her, in today's market of small commodities, Yiwu, a growing number of business operators to join the ranks of brand products in the past. According to market the business sector as the statistics show that China Commodity City trademark distribution has reached the record total of 18,107.

       In the promotion of the brand management, Yiwu Small Commodity Market in the plight of foreign trade continued to maintain rapid growth. The first half, the main export Yiwu add 137, and import and export of 935 million U.S. dollars, an increase of 14.33 percent. Among them, self-export volume of 849 million U.S. dollars, an increase of 12.37 percent.

       In Yiwu City recently held a trademark of the Association of the first governing meeting, a brand development status of the eye-catching: As of June this year, Yiwu city's total of 16,339 registered trademarks, including "Famous Chinese Trademark" 63, in Zhejiang Province 69 well-known trademarks, and Zhejiang Province has developed into shirts, hosiery, jewelry, zippers and other sectors of the base brand. Yiwu registered trademark of the total volume accounts for one-twentieth of the province, marks the development of an integrated national strength ranked third in the county-level city. The report also pointed out that international trade in order to meet demand, the current international trademark registration Yiwu enterprises are becoming a trend. Of these, only the present, Yiwu, Zhejiang famous brand owned enterprises on the International Registration of Trademarks 457.

       At the same time, in order to better stimulate enterprises in Yiwu a licence, licence for the warm, Yiwu has also introduced policies, effective on the International Registration of Marks of enterprises registered to award 80 percent of the cost (up to more than 100,000 yuan) policy, with Incentive mechanism to encourage enterprises to follow the path of international brands.

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