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The Building of Bacteriological War Memorial Speeds up

Source:     Author:       Date: 2008-08-22

Recently, Jinhua Municipal People’s Government made a formal reply to Yiwu’s proposal on building Bacteriological War Memorial. The establishment of this memorial is given high significance by Jinhua Government, which not only is the true reflect of history, but a patriotic educational base and a potential tourist resources.

The planning of this project started from 2005 by Yiwu Municipal Government, for the purpose of memorizing the victims of bacteriological war launched by Japanese invaders. The Memorial will be located in Chongshan International Peace Park in Choujiang Subdistrict and covers a total area of 40 mu. Yiwu Government determine to lauch this project immediately, and Choujiang Subdistrict Office and Municioal Bureau of Construction will be in charge of it.. At the same time, Yiwu takes the history of Bacteriological War as a content of intangible Cultural Heritage, and strengthens the protection of historic materials such as literal materials and sound materials.

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