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city bus 7 lines Change new models

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author:       Date: 2009-09-28

City will update the models of urban and rural bus routes 7, a total of 58 new cars. These new models are the urban public transport of luxurious air-conditioned buses, vehicle performance and vehicle environment has been quite changed.

Public Transport Division, according to Heng Feng Zhao goods locomotive Security Branch of the chapter, this update is 8 meters in all vehicles, urbanization, air-conditioned luxury bus models, the completion of new car testing, on a series of licensing procedures, before the coming National Day devoted to related to seven lines. The new car line in the south put together - Buddhist temple 312 Road, the South Union - Buddhist temple 313 Road, the South Union - 315 Riverside Road, the South Union - Low fields 317 Road, the old railway station - South 4 Residential Area 407 Road, Pine Mountain Gate - Zucco Tong, 12 Road, on the hemp car - Beiyuan secondary school number 23.

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