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Last year,party members and cadres,Yiwu thorough investigation of law and discip

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author:       Date: 2010-03-11

From Yiwu City Commission for Discipline Inspection was held yesterday, the fifth plenary (enlarged) meeting was informed that last year, Yiwu, party members and cadres were registered and investigated 130 cases of discipline and law, of which 62 major cases, cases 11, expelled from the party 49 who transferred to judicial organs investigated 19 criminal responsibility for the state and collective economic losses of 400 million yuan recovered. Jinhua Municipal Committee, Party secretary of Yiwu Zhi-Ping Huang, said: "accelerate the building of international business city, we must, first of all anti-corruption work, so that the operation of the power under the sun."

    It is understood that last year, Yiwu city discipline inspection commission dealt with a former deputy director of market development Ji-Cheng Matsutoshi use his position to take bribes case, Beiyuan Street, former deputy director of the Work Committee National People's Congress, Wang Neng-xing in the industrial land-use arrangements in the process of bribery case, Yiwu City, Food purchasing and storage company's former chairman and general manager of public housing rentals in the 10000 Devoulx and food sales process in the bribery case of a batch of major and important cases. Yiwu city discipline inspection commission informed by the case, case analysis, make recommendations and so on, played the fundamental role of handling cases, but also to take Chajiu as the way to reduce the burden on enterprises, last year we removed stop collecting, reduce administrative fees 201. At the same time, also strengthened the supervision of public funds, for a small number of staff with office phone voice call 168 for non-official activities of the Taiwan issue to investigate, a total recovery of 22 million yuan office phone charges.

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