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Yiwu Small loan companies lending more than 200 million three months

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Helan      Date: 2010-04-15

Since the beginning of credit crunch by the impact of financing needs of the owners are not paying attention to local small loan company. Reporter yesterday in an interview that, as at present, Yiwu Langsha and benefit both small business lending company has lent more than 200 million yuan for three months, eased some of the financing problem of SMEs.

    Lent more than 200 million yuan for three months

    "Now the company has basically lending its own funds in an instant, now intends to increase the funding amount to the relevant bank." Yiwu Small Business Loans Limited benefit of staff told reporters that this year the one hand, the gradual tightening of bank credit, on the other hand production enterprises were forced to pressure the various raw material prices, increased demand for liquidity.

    "In fact, since last year, SMEs financing needs of small loans had no decrease, since the beginning of a more stable loan growth." Yiwu Langsha vice general manager Chen Shenming introduce micro-credit, and now the company's loans are in accordance with the regulatory requirements of the small loan company loan interest rate ceiling to perform, that is 4 times the bank base rate (annual interest rate of about 21%), as banks tightened credit control, small loan companies to make up for the borrowers needs.

    Comprehensive two local microfinance company's own funds of view, the first three months of this year the total small loans has more than 200 million yuan. Of these, about three months accounting for the largest short-term borrowing.

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