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Yiwu reconstruction demonstrate creative wisdom

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Gary      Date: 2010-04-30

Yiwu Qingchuan reconstruction reconstruction plate corresponding command bridge township, take nine major projects of reconstruction projects in more than 100 specific tasks, helped finance more than 8,000 yuan, the project small and more, is the headquarters of Jinhua four reconstruction the largest workload.

    However, cadres of hard work plus ingeniously Yiwu reconstruction, the reconstruction task well done, for two consecutive years Qingchuan County Commission and the provincial reconstruction headquarters as the advanced unit. Among these, aided command reference Yiwu Yiwu old villages transformation of local practices, local conditions offer some aid in construction of new creation, played a "small but powerful chain" effect.

    Qingchuan urban system in accordance with the planning, implementation Slab Town, off-site relocation needs. Town, relocation, new and old market town involves the interests of many people, work done well, will affect the stability of the disaster areas. After repeated command discretion, draw Yiwu "Old Village transformation" experience to "fund-raising housing" model, implementation of the new construction market town.

    Headquarters and the local township government set up a new market town housing working group, and voluntary and compensatory basis, clear terms of the new market town of rigorous review to determine the admission qualifications and existing home relocation agreements signed with the farmers. Households from the housing sub-blocks set up monitoring group composed of housing, and construction of headquarters units to assist their consultations and negotiations, and coordinate and monitor the management of the unified construction. On this basis, the headquarters town of the new field of integrated planning, reconstruction funds into more than 1,600 yuan, and increased new field efforts supporting the town's infrastructure. As the full respect for the will of the people, Itabashi New Town, unified construction plan to do a degree of satisfaction with the progress and the masses of three uniform, becoming the new market town of Green River the reconstruction of a bright spot.

    Although the reconstruction work to do is to pave the way for the disaster area bridges and good, but because individual farmers can only see their own immediate interests, the construction process will be met with individual officers do not even hinder the construction of the phenomena affecting the construction schedule. To solve this problem, Yiwu command of "passive" to "active" on the one hand a clear command of the townships and villages take their different duties, on the other hand guide the beneficiaries to actively participate in construction projects, and introduce the village households "Work for the Dole" approach. For example, in drinking water project construction, the headquarters responsible for providing the drawings, the township is responsible for procurement of pipes, digging trench for village, township, village, community to complete their mission, command and then paid the appropriate materials and to work , coupled with subsidies. "Work for the Dole," the practice through the village road, cross-river bridges and other infrastructure projects implemented, the project not only smooth, but also because local people actively involved, but also enhanced their sense of value reconstruction projects. Yiwu headquarters established for this purpose "work-relief 32 provides that" by the provincial headquarters of the recognition and promotion.

    Yiwu headquarters of innovations, but also in some of the details of the reconstruction.

    Because the location of the town of Panchiao new low-lying fields, the construction of the foundation must raise. If by conventional methods, foundation engineering capacity and capital investment will be great. Headquarters and asked the locals to plant near the waste wash sand to fill sand transport base, because the nearest convenient, cost of materials has been greatly reduced, saving millions of dollars of funds.

    Reconstruction projects to long-term operation, we must attach importance to its usefulness and reduce future operating costs, Yiwu cadres of this painstaking reconstruction. Plate bridge township's drinking water projects for more than 80% of water by gravity methods, field town of centralized water supply in the ground water at the same time, an increase of gravity water diversion project from the mountain, gravity water supply time can be guaranteed for more than 10 months, effectively reducing the cost of water; new Town, installed 100 street light, in order to prevent future afford to pay for electricity, street lighting and decorations into embarrassment, Yiwu command input at more than 30 million for 100 solar street lamp has used.

    Command commander, said Zhang Genping Yiwu reconstruction, aided innovation is absorbing the experience, coupled with the practical and from the disaster needs of the masses, interests, local conditions, prevailing circumstances, this is Yiwu reconstruction projects supported by the people in disaster areas welcome to the root cause.

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