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Hang a long section of railway passenger dedicated line started construction Yiw

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Helan      Date: 2010-05-30

May 28, held in Hangzhou city Yiwu, a long section of railway passenger dedicated Project Leading Group for the first time all enlarged. He Meihua said related departments should attach great importance Towns in and Hangzhou Railway Passenger long construction, further defined the mission and fulfill the responsibility to make every effort to land acquisition and relocation, station expansion and so on, push forward construction of the passenger line. City leaders Slovakia Jianmin, Wu Yi, the Wangkui Ming attended the meeting.

According to project construction command center, Hangzhou long national railway passenger dedicated line is "four vertical and four horizontal" main skeleton of the Shanghai Express Passenger Corridor passenger line of the eastern Queensland, design speed of 350 km, expected in June 2013 was opened to traffic across the board, then Hangzhou to Changsha passenger train running time from the current 6 hours to 3 hours. According to design, Hangzhou, Yiwu long railway in the territory of about 33.8 km, passing through the city along the Great Chan, after the house, west of the city, the river, righteousness kiosks Towns in 54 villages. Currently, a massive force of 2,000, more than 100 construction machinery and equipment have entered the construction site.

Meihua pointed out that currently the city is at a critical stage in the transformation and upgrading, Hangzhou long railway passenger dedicated project under construction, will further improve the city transportation system, to speed up the development of logistics, and full integration into the "triangle" to achieve market continued to boom, to boost competitiveness and sustainable development capacity, accelerate the construction of the international trade city, is of great significance, we must rise to the relevant departments attach great importance Towns in and and full force.

Meihua requirements and the relevant Towns in strict accordance with the Province, Jinhua City, construction on the passenger line's overall deployment and work objectives and requirements of each node, and the "two founding two mention of the" theme activities and "A Good Mall Vanguard" activities together, go all out to land acquisition and demolition work, and strive to deploy forces in place, the task decomposition in place, policy in place, the people working in place to ensure the completion of land acquisition and resettlement tasks to the letter. At the same time, Yiwu Railway Station to make room extension, atmosphere building, etc., to tackle tough work together to promote and ensure long-Hangzhou Railway Passenger Dedicated Line Project to promote the smooth and orderly.

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