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A concerted effort to seek the Yiwu's development of the new year

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Gary      Date: 2009-02-08

A few days ago, the city People's Congress Standing Committee and deputy director of Municipal People's Government and deputy mayor of a convergence on the city this year, the focus of the work of communication, docking, a concerted effort to seek Yiwu stable and rapid development of the new year.
Mayor of Ho the United States and China, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech. Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee, director of Tong-xiang-tai on the implementation of the law on supervision, further emancipate the mind and promote development, livelihood benefits, stability, to promote the city's economy healthy and coordinated development of a stable society, delivered a speech.
At the meeting, the Municipal Standing Committee, Executive Vice Mayor introduce the important work of the Government in 2009 and made the city people's congress will be invited to organize inspections and recommendations focus on research topics. Fang Hao, deputy director of the municipal people's congress standing fu informed the work of the Standing Committee of the Urban 2009 recommendation.
Tong Xiang-Di In his speech, a brief review of the city People's Congress Standing Committee's work last year and put forward ideas for this year's work. Tong Xiang-Di pointed out that this year the NPC's supervisory work should focus on the overall work of the city, based on their functions, both insist on supervision and support, in promoting stable and rapid economic and social development, more efforts; the cause of improving people's livelihood in the flower foot effort in the maintenance of social harmony enough stability in the article, in the supervision of the work of truth-seeking innovation breakthroughs have. Tong Xiang-Di pointed out, supervision and support of the work requires constant exploration, extension and innovation, in order to form a work force, enhance the effectiveness of the work, it is necessary to accurately positioning the supervision work, and strengthen public support, strong support and help the Government explore, innovation, further improve and perfect the people's deputies and the people, the Standing Committee with government counterparts, the link system. Tong Xiang-Di also carried out on a solid market, the business services, the project advance, the comprehensive reform activities to ensure that the "four years" be a real hope of effectiveness and requirements.
He the United States and China pointed out in his speech last year, the Municipal People's Congress in accordance with the law to carry out their functions, while centering on the overall situation of the city's economic and social development, paying close attention to the city's economic and social development in a hot and difficult problems, outstanding problems, and promote the work of the Government to resolve the major and difficult issues reflected in the support of supervision, and support in monitoring. He pointed out that the United States and China, the Government must be in accordance with the law and consciously accept the supervision of the National People's Congress, the Government members of the National People's Congress to further enhance awareness and to strengthen communication links with the National People's Congress, the Government has some major decision-making should fully listen to the recommendations of the National People's Congress and opinions; the views of the National People's Congress and the resolution Government should be strictly implemented, and implementing. For suggestions and comments deputies, the Government should place tasks, the relevant functional departments should be handled carefully, and strive to make the people satisfied. He hoped that the United States and China National People's Congress full play to our strengths, and enhance supervision of the pertinence and effectiveness, and promote stable and rapid economic and social Yiwu development.
Matchmaking Symposium also heard a "Government Work Report" (draft) The drafting of the situation.
Mayor's Assistant, City Hall advisers and the municipal people's congress standing responsible person in charge of the city's Office and other interested parties who participated in the Matchmaking Symposium.

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