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Yiwu municipal party committee secretary of the People First meet

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Gary      Date: 2008-07-31

Yesterday morning, I heard that Yiwu municipal party committee secretary Jiang Wei Wu Rong want to Jiefang street, I Village Green Wuhou soil long to wait. "Demolished the house for six years, not resettlement. If the secretary can come forward to resolve the hope that the big." So that he did not expect that the WU Wei-understanding the causes and effects of the matter after an opening said: "Laowu, this matter Dragged on for so long, I am sorry you. "

     Wu Hou apologize to the secretary of soil is moved, after finalizing the land resettlement issue, Wei Wu Rong also said to him: "By the time if things have not yet been resolved, you can come to see me." Wu Hou soil face Xiaoyi said: "I do not have to look at the . "

     Can do the things we must concentrate for

     [Visitors said:

     September 2002, Green Industrial Area Dongyuan characteristics due to the industrial district planning roads, Wu Hou soil by enterprises run by the factory and dormitory to rehouse demolition, involving 2,400 square meters of land. However, house demolition, resettlement plots has not implemented.

     [Sector feedback:

     Jiangdong Street official said, in January 2007, the Yiwu municipal government has been devoted to the ACC, and issued Chaogao alone. However, due to the resettlement plots involving the Green mouth secondary venues, then failed to resettlement. Dongyuan after the old industrial park because of integration, involving various departments and to recover some of the farmers, compensation and other policy issues, it could not properly resolved.

     It is learnt that the land resettlement in the region and the problems left over from more than a Wuhou territories, the official said streets, the plan launched this month consolidation of the old industrial park, once a good clean-up plot, completed the relevant procedures, enterprises will be able to nearby resettlement.

     [Secretary of comments:

     Wei Wu said the land issue involving many constraints, although there are dealing with difficult, but since there are no major obstacles, it should be put in place, the integration should be promptly integration, he asked relevant departments to implement the near future.

     Improve the quality of Jiucun

     [Visitors said:

     2003, in line with long history of the building of scenic areas, red remote village relocation, the overall transformation of Jiucun, most of the villagers live in new houses. However, because of the planned 22 residential units in the delay in construction, there are 12 villagers still living in the old village, the villagers view larger.

     In addition, the project ran aground because of scenic areas, the village house demolition compensation fees have not been in place, Chek Tong Jiucun have not removed. More than 3,000 foreigners existing rental in this, social security, sanitation and so poor, there are some potential safety problems.

     [Sector feedback:

     Tourism Bureau official said, Jiucun compensation issue recommendations as soon as possible re-evaluation, in accordance with the time that the price and amount of compensation paid to farmers. As for the villagers are most concerned about the problem of high-rise building, as related policies have not yet introduced, high-rise buildings can not start, the whole village to the demolition of Jiucun bring difficulty.

     Construction Bureau suggested that the city currently being carried out high-rise apartment building pilot, the resettlement policy related to the pilot of the light-Tau Tsuen, launched as soon as possible.

     [Secretary of comments:

     Wei Wu-wing view that the new rural construction, Yiwu is entering a crucial period, the Centre City Jiucun within the scope of ideas must be adjusted to move closer to urban communities and improve quality. At the moment, built high-rise apartment is natural, municipal party committee and government have repeatedly on the topic, how to protect the interests of farmers under the premise of improving their quality of life, Jiucun transformation of the community is in one direction. Chek village to build tall buildings, should be encouraged, but after the completion of the property management problem is not small, yet carefully considered. Wei Wu Rong asked relevant departments to enhance coordination, clear-cut policy to expedite the settlement of problems left over from the Chek village.

     Kou Zi impunity to the law can not be opened

     [Visitors said:

     2004, Tau-built high-rise apartment as a pilot project launched Jiucun transformation. In this process, not a small number of approved first built, approved construction of more small phenomenon. Wang Chunzheng, director of the village-said the village committee, the villagers of these illegal, they have repeatedly come dissuasive, but there are still 17 people irregularities, leading to other villagers psychological imbalance, a contradiction.

     [Sector feedback:

     Land Bureau official said, a similar situation in other villages have, they have adopted measures such as nationalized auction, but the operation difficult. Some time ago, the village of Jiangdong street also had Chaiwei.

     [Secretary of comments:

     Wei Wu Rong stressed that the individual is to accommodate the interests of the overwhelming majority of the damage, the offenders must never be allowed to profit, or the spread of unhealthy trend will run out of control. He said that the law of impunity and the Kou Zi could not be in strict accordance with the law under the premise solution. He called on relevant departments to explore the topic, in accordance with the law under the premise of a reasonable solution. Otherwise, the illegally built, the construction of more only be dismantled.

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