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Mooncake prices increase 15% this year

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Gary      Date: 2008-08-05

Yesterday, reporters from Yiwu enterprises that produce more than moon cakes that are subject to rising costs of raw materials and manpower, and other factors, this year's moon cake price hikes have no suspense, the majority of enterprises that will be up about 15 percent.

     Most enterprises price increase 15%

     Although from the arrival of the Mid-Autumn Festival is also available for some time, but the moon cakes in the future market situation has been of concern. Yiwu City, a moon cake production enterprises booths for Mr. Wang told reporters, compared with the same period last year, this year's moon cakes are rising raw materials, such as salad oil, peanut oil, sesame seeds, and so the prices are significantly higher, driven directly cakes listed higher retail prices upward. Judging from the current situation, about 15 percent price hike is a foregone conclusion.

     In addition, from last year, Yiwu moon cake production quality supervision departments to intensify the management of enterprises, the enterprises have called for the adoption of QS food safety certification. Accordingly, the reserve before the enterprise is not a QS certification mark only the packaging of all void of moon cakes will be listed this year, all new packaging, the cost to re-enter the enterprise to bring further pressure on prices.

     The cake for Jian Ye also agree that the above-mentioned objective reasons. He said that all the different areas affected by factors such as dietary preferences, Yiwu ordinary consumers prefer to buy Su-moon cakes, moon cakes and wide-than-profit-moon cakes themselves less space, if not prices, it is difficult to maintain normal Production and marketing. Subject to substantial price hikes of raw materials impact of price increases this year, moon cakes to be much higher rate than last year.

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