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95 shops in Yiwu city become the Olympic food supplier

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Helan      Date: 2008-08-04

Beijing Olympic Games is approaching, as a leading regional wholesale food markets, non-staple food market in Yiwu Binwang daily cited a large number of food sold to the Olympic Games (HS) Office of the Town. To effectively strengthen links in circulation during the Olympic Games in food safety control of security work, Yiwu Trade and Industry Bureau under the State Administration for Industry and Commerce "on the strengthening of the circulation link Olympic food safety control notice", with the actual formulation of programmes to ensure that the Olympic food safety.
Sales filing system implemented
To prevent the problem of food into the Olympic Division, Yiwu Trade and Industry Bureau in strengthening the routine supervision at the same time, also introduced a new Olympic food sales registration system for all sold to give the Olympic Games (HS) Office of the Town of food, must be timely to the market Industrial and commercial department for registration.
To ensure that the registration system to implement it, Yiwu City, the industrial and commercial department of the previous stage Binwang non-staple food market mapping survey identified 95 food shops have sold all the Olympic Games give (HS) Office of the Town. For this 95 shops in the business households, Yiwu City, the business sector will implement its special management and guidance of the Source of their commodities, goods inspection, inspection, forensic cable, with sales Taizhang and merchandise sales, particularly Is sold to give the Olympic Games (HS) Office of the various trade names cities, the number of forensic and cable products with a comprehensive quality monitoring.
According to the plan, Yiwu City, industry and commerce departments will carry out four times in the near future to meat products, soybean products, edible oil, beverages, dairy products, alcohol, and other people closely related to the food as the focus of special training activities to crack down on making and selling fake And shoddy food, sales of substandard food, undocumented operating license expired food sales and mildew, toxic and harmful food and other violations.
Identified 10 categories of food
Yiwu is an international business city, is the outstanding tourist city, 000 foreign Permanent Yiwu. During the Olympics, Yiwu to purchase, the number will increase tourism. Yiwu City Heavy Industry, Trade and Industry to the area in Yiwu City Centre, a member of the public square, the five major markets, underground shopping malls, luxury hotels and many large supermarkets, consumer crowded, to that end, the Olympics will be decided by the control of food security work as a At present, the most important task.
It is learnt that the security work to control grain and oil, soybean products, vegetables, fruit, meat, eggs category, dairy products, aquatic products, condiments, beverages, such as the 10 categories of food and local characteristics to focus on food products in supermarkets , Shopping malls, hotels, rest assured shops, entertainment and markets for key units. Increase food security through the day-to-day supervision of law enforcement and investigation efforts to strengthen consumer safeguard their rights to establish an Olympic food safety early-warning and prevention mechanisms, and other measures to strictly control and investigate illegal immigrant engaged in food production and operation of unlicensed, fake for the Olympic Games for food, Sales measured by eradicating corruption, fake and shoddy food and toxic and harmful acts. At the same time, the Institute will strengthen with the relevant functional departments of communication coordination, to lay a good food safety battle.

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