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Yiwu farmers Why do not want to drinking safe water

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author:       Date: 2009-07-30

Once upon a time, because the water obstacle, the Comprehensive Economic Strength Yiwu national leader in the emerging international trading city, was marked with the "city of water" and "the lack of potential for sustainable development" label.

     People living in Yiwu will not forget that the summer of 2004, as only two days a week water supply, people have to pinch refers to the bath and laundry calculating the order and time; water at home because many people live in Yiwu into the hotel rooms; also because of water, some foreign businessmen are afraid to run in hot Yiwu

In recent years, Yiwu through the integration of urban and rural water supply projects, urban water supply network has been basically the main St. coverage. At present, the Chian, Temple, Tai Chen, Niansanli built water plant, etc., but the supply is small, and just southwest of the rural areas are mainly of drinking groundwater.

     In 2008, Yiwu solve drinking water problem will be included in the "Ten things" in the Soviet Union just north-east zone water plant, meaning the Western construction of water plant, the construction of the Southern District Chian-yi waterworks, is now in full swing, the plan the end of next year all put into use. By then, the two water plants with the City's pipe network link.

     Prior to that, before the introduction of city water. Over the past three years, West has been completed, yiting, on River St. and other water mains network roll-out benefit Choujiang 43 administrative villages in the streets, crowded city streets Heyetang tablets 7 administrative villages and development zone, after the lake house door 17 administrative villages in films, on the Town, 32 administrative villages and 10 villages, 36 Village streets west. 67 Village yiting massive water supply project has been started, is expected to be completed by the end of this year.

     Yiwu Water Corporation, according to statistical data show that although the water supply network has covered nearly 200 villages, have access to tap water but only 66 villages, rural water access rate of only 33%.

     Clearly, this is Yiwu city government to spend heavily to improve drinking water in rural areas can not meet the Waste Management Policy, so that brothers and hundreds of thousands of farmers have not yet bid farewell to the wishes of groundwater true.

     Behind the refusal to take water

     Villagers refused to take the reasons behind all sorts of water. Reporters interviewed several villages, a village above the river, the village has received the mains, but the valve closed, because many tenants corrupted home water meter, meter reading can not be metered, and then wait for the replacement of water; as Jobs Village, the villagers look forward to the former transformation, the replacement of the water supply network will re-connect; another example Cheung Pui village, the villagers would like to use tap water, although a strong desire, but because of the price of water, as well as some villagers rather criticism. To this end, the village, "the two committee" decided to appropriate subsidies, to accept a portion of water. However, as a result does not match the diameter mains, to be modified.

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