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Painting and Calligraphy Institute of Yiwu art recruitment notice

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author:       Date: 2009-08-09

Painting and Calligraphy Institute in Yiwu City in January 2009 approved the establishment, is a calligraphy art creation, research, teaching and other professional tasks and functions of academic institutions, for the full budget for public institutions, under the .
In order to meet the new period, the development of calligraphy art needs, continuously improve the quality of human resources to strengthen the creative strength and the introduction of quality times, the decision by the study, to be held in the city within the scope of an open recruitment exercise has two outstanding achievements of young art, to enrich and expand the professional the ranks of art. Notice is as follows:
First, the terms of employment
(A) have a high political and ideological consciousness of the aesthetic and the pursuit of healthy, high moral character and human decency and good health.
(B) has a good professional ethics and professionalism, a certain degree of artistic attainments, to actively complete the creation, research, teaching and other tasks.
(C) the qualifications and eligibility requirements: 1, Yiwu has a household registration (set up time for the deadline to the date of notice), January 1, 1964 after the birth; 2, with the national recognition of the undergraduate and secondary education and above, or a corresponding professional titles ; 3, with the provincial Association of Fine Arts Association member or calligrapher membership.
Second, application
(A) the registration time, place
1, application of time: 2009 years 15 August-20 August
2, Registration Location: Yiwu (Yiwu City south gate Street 213 4th Floor, Room 412)
(B) Application Note
1, apply to be shipped with the original ID card and household registration book, copy of two recent photos hat, an application fee of 500 yuan;
2, the provision of work photos (7-inch and above) 5 (or the book has been published), the professional-related articles and pictures 1-3 papers, a number of press review information;
3, to bring academic certificate, certificate of title, the Association membership card, exhibitors and a copy of the original award certificate and so on.
The above information is not refundable registration (document type to remain a copy of the original preparation of the verification), who may Mail Address (Zip Code: 322000).
Third, the examination
(A) Evaluation
After the closing date for registration, according to application materials, relevant departments from Yiwu City staff and professionals and Evaluation Commission of the Registration of candidates qualified to carry out the audit, the first instance of successful applicants to pay to the Office of the text together five original works, and participated in review (review of the end of after the original returned).
(B) review
By the Evaluation Commission of the candidates of the review related materials, if the number of people through the review of the recruitment quota of less than 1:3 and the ratio should be reduced as appropriate places to recruit.
(C) examination
Hours written examination and interview, out of 100 points each. Written content of which the basic knowledge for the professional title, accounting for a total score of 30%; by written results of the low ratio of 1:3 selectivity six selected to enter the interview process for the test-site creation, display works, the experts commented play question points, accounting for a total score of 70%.
Fourth, extra points
Where applicants were subject to the following conditions can directly result in the total points, specific points are as follows:
(A) Where more than painting and calligraphy exhibition at the provincial level (Provincial Association for the United States, organized by the province for more than书协) have winning records plus 2 hours;
(B) Where more than at the provincial level, professional journals and magazines published papers plus 2 hours;
(C) has a Master's degree or above, plus 2 sub-degree;
(D) with corresponding high-level professional and technical titles plus 2 hours;
(E) with the Chinese Artists Association members or the Chinese Calligraphers Association membership plus 2 points.
Note: The maximum bonus points per person limit for 10 minutes.
Fifth, physical examination, assessment
After the examination, according to "written results interview × 30% + performance appraisal × 70% + extra points," Synthesis of integrated results. According to the quota by taking a comprehensive medical examination results into the low 1:1. Eligible to enter the medical examination. Pass an examination by a medical examination by the public has no adverse reflection of the staff members identified as engaging. Such as physical examination or evaluation has failed and no longer fill.
Sixth, the employment of
(A) applicants employed by art to be signed, "Painting and Calligraphy Institute Yiwu employment contract", for procedures relating to employment, the contract period of 2 years.
(B) the employment of art work on during the wage system, the full budget institutions enjoy the same treatment, and to provide appropriate working conditions.
(C), the employment of art contract shall report annually to the Fine Art Institute works to pay two (pieces), Chinese painting, calligraphy works of not less than 4 feet. 2-year period by the Academy of Painting and Calligraphy Yiwu organizations, community-oriented public art exhibition held conclusive. Assessed by an assessment panel of experts according to their 2-year study on the creation and comprehensive evaluation of the results.
(D) assessed by an assessment panel of experts of the evaluation results, combined with the work of the Institute to participate in the performance of painting and calligraphy, social impact and decide whether to continue the appointment.
(E) According to assessment and evaluation, failure, and the appointment may be extended for one year period, after the expiration of one year is not successful, Painting and Calligraphy Institute employment relationship with its disarmament.

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