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XiaBaoLong Went to Yiwu to Research the Village-Level Organization

Source: Yiwu sourcing agent    Author: Gary      Date: 2011-02-25

Yesterday afternoon, vice secretary of provincial party committee of jinhua municipal party committee secretary XiaBaoLong, jinhua deputy secretary of municipal party committee XuJiaAi, jinhua deputy secretary of municipal party committee, etc HuangJinChao accompanied by jiaxing to research the village-level organization change work.
After listening to the related condition, XiaBaoLong gave full affirmation of village-level organization change of work. XiaBaoLong said, yiwu village-level organizational change work have distinguishing feature and fruitful, to make the future work accumulated precious experience, laying a solid foundation, especially reflect problems and summarize the experience of practice, for other areas to provide the reference.
XiaBaoLong stressed, constructing the harmonious society, and the barycenter at the grassroots level. Completes the village-level organization work, the change of thoroughly apply the scientific outlook on development, strengthening the party's administrative capability construction and advanced nature construction, to promote the grass-roots democratic politics, laying solid foundation, the ruling party to maintain the reform, development and stability, ensure overall province built well-off society are very important and realistic significance.
XiaBaoLong pointed out, party committees and governments of each place must improve the ideological understanding, strengthen responsibility consciousness, the village-level organization changes in hand clenched. To further consolidate the village-level organizational change of achievement, conquer the village-level organization changes a difficulty, ensure problem village change of work can be accomplished. Completes the village-level organizational change of work is only the first step, the next step, enhance the basic-level party organization's cohesive force and the battle efficiency, strengthen the democratic supervision, promoting democratic decision-making and to implement democratic management, and promote social management innovation, to realize the leaping agricultural rural work provide the strong organization guarantee, founding the basis structuring harmonious society.

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